Our company
HydroNetz is a company specializing in the construction of hydroelectric power plants that use surpluses of pressure in water supply networks.
Our objective is to cooperate with enterprises that manage water supplies, to develop hydropower systems with a high efficiency rate, and thus to achieve profitable generation of electricity and satisfactory rates of return on investment.
Our hydropower systems fulfil the following conditions:
They ensure uninterrupted water supplies and are fully automated and integrated with the management systems of water supply networks.
They guarantee pipeline safety in the case of failure, turbine switch off, changes in water flow value, power outage or power supply failure.
They have no effect on the quality of water, its chemical, physical properties and organoleptic quality (in accordance with the requirements of the European directive no. 98/83/EC).
They are certified by the National Institute of Hygiene and competent Sanitary and Epidemiological Stations.
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, CE mark.
They guarantee long-term operation with minimum expenditures on staff and maintenance.
HydroNetz Sp. z o. o.
ul. Wyborna 1
32-087 Zielonki, Poland
Tel./Fax +48 12 665 11 30
NIP: 5130221469
E-mail: info@hydronetz.pl
Tel. +48 691 819 100